i'm still trying to get this iMac together.
i realized i can't use a lot of the tools i want to use or started using with windows.
my options are to switch to all open source tools like
PD or Super Collider
both are object orientated environments that allow you to plug modules or build modules with code to create a lot of audio toys and tools.
it's in the same vein as MAX/MSP.
one of the thigns this is going to help me do is learn how to code for something useful.
i've played around with NI's Reaktor and i like what it can do.
getting a DAW that allows for AU's and VST's is now the next mission.
in the OSX world for intel chipsets there is either Pro Tools, Ableton, Logic, or Digital Performer...all of which are retail and not open source or forever Beta like Reaper.
i'm probably going to check out Ardour and report back...
For now, my iMac is a $950 jukebox...i now use it for a chat client and installed firefox so i have some normal internet activities on it.
i'm also downloading a bunch of open source tools i find and will either try out and review or just toss in the trash if it's useless for my project.
and of course it's vegas season!
here's some shots from my vacation spot of choice.

and this is what happens when you can't handle the liks

blurry birds eye view

good times by the pool

here's a dance tune i'm feelin that is getting good remix play as well:
and of course for that Serato play list
Estelle - American Boy remix #1
Estelle - American Boy remix #2
Estelle - American Boy remix - ft Busta Rhymes
Estelle - American Boy lzrtag remix